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True Sustainability

We wrote our first environmental policy over 30 years ago. We are ISO certified for quality and environment since 1996. We have signed the UN Global Compact, the UN's ten principles on human rights at work. We climate compensate the product's entire journey from supplier, via warehouse to end customer, as well as all our business trips. 

Our sustainable development

1 We review the content and materials of all products to ensure they meet our requirements before launch.

2 We have ongoing discussions with our suppliers about how we can develop our products to reduce their environmental impact.

3 We exclude products when they no longer meet the environmental performance we consider necessary.

We use recycled material in our packaging, the filling material in our shipments is either recycled bubble wrap or recycled paper waste.

Business as a force for good

Our products should not be produced at the expense of others. This is why we offset in projects certified with the Gold standard, the only certification standard that has been approved and recognized by more than 80 international environmental organizations. It is also important to us that our suppliers provide safe workplaces with social rights for their employees, which is why we conduct social audits and check our suppliers in Asia regularly. Of course, we have signed the UN Global Compact, the UN's ten principles on human rights at work. Principles we also require our suppliers to live up to.

As we produce a large part of our products in Asia, it was natural to choose wind farms in China as our carbon offset project. In this way, we contribute to reduced carbon use, but also to cleaner air and therefore better health. We choose the CDM (Clean Development Mechanism, which reports to the UN) and the Gold Standard (a quality label for carbon offset projects that involves a strict code of conduct with additional requirements for social responsibility and sustainable development).

We source products from both Europe and Asia and are committed to ensuring that our products are manufactured fairly. Since Asia is classified as a geographical risk area, this is where we have chosen to carry out so-called Social Audits. A control at the factories where we ensure that the workers at our suppliers have a safe working environment and that wages and working hours etc. are in accordance with local laws. 

We signed the UN Global Compact's ten principles in 2015 and included them in our Code of Conduct, a document all our suppliers must sign in order to cooperate.

The principles are divided into four different groups: Human rights (companies are asked to support and respect the protection of international human rights and that their own company is not complicit in human rights abuses).Working conditions (elimination of child and forced labor and recognition of the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. Environment (companies are asked to support the precautionary principle regarding environmental risks, promote greater environmental responsibility and encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies) Corruption (companies should work against all forms of corruption, extortion and bribery).

Full charity

Rahmqvist in society

"We want to contribute to a more sustainable society. For better health, integration and justice.  We therefore regularly participate in e.g. Rosa Bandet, Musikhjälpen and have supported Good Sports for many years. With the help of Vi-skogen, we have planted thousands of trees around Lake Victoria in East Africa. In addition, we regularly donate our products to aid organizations operating around the world."

Full ericsigne

Signe and Eric

At Rahmqvist, we have our own action program for increased diversity, equality and inclusive leadership that everyone must participate in. For us, it is important that everyone should have the same opportunities, rights and obligations and value regardless of background and ethnicity.

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